Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ciss Bedebah Syaitan!!!

“Dan barang siapa membunuh seorang yang beriman dengan sengaja, maka balasannya ialah neraka Jahannam, dia kekal di dalamnya. Allah murka kepadanya, dan melaknatnya serta menyediakan azab yang besar baginya” (an-Nisa’: 93).

Mira di dalam dilema memikirkan destinasi yang bakal ditujui seterusnya. Air mata mengalir laju mengikut rentak tren komuter yang bergerak di dalam terowong gelap. Fikirannya tentang Rizal yang meninggalkannya setelah menerima berita bahawa Mira berbadan dua hasil dari perbuatan mereka yang hanyut dengan nafsu dan cinta. Dari stesen Subang Jaya ke Petaling jaya, tangisan Mira tak henti-henti sambil memegang perutnya yang sudah kelihatan sugul. Sekali lagi Mira teringatkan Rizal dan akhirnya sudah mencapai satu kata putus, lantas dia mengeluarkan pemetik api dan tahu destinasi yang akan ditujuinya. Dan esok, kandungannya bakal dikenali ramai dan mendapat liputan luas di dalam akhbar-akhbar diseluruh Malaysia.

Masalah pembuangan bayi semakin berleluasa malah bukan sahaja menggugurkan bayi namun mereka juga menggunakan cara yang kejam untuk menghapuskan bukti tersebut iaitu dengan membakar, mengkisar, membuang di dalam sungai dan yang paling tidak diterima akal dipotong dan diberi kepada binatang untuk menjamu selera. Persoalannya kemanakah perginya nilai kemanusiaan itu? Adakah wajar hukuman berat membendung gejala membuang bayi? Sekiranya iya, apakah jenis hukuman yang wajar dijatuhkan ke atas manusia yang bertopengkan syaitan ini?

Hukuman yang sedia ada sebenarnya adalah tidak mencukupi atau efektif bagi menangani masalah ini. Setelah kami selidiki dan membincangkan isu ini, satu bentuk mekanisma ataupun hukuman yang lebih efisyen perlu dipraktikkan didalam menangani masalah yang semakin menular di dalam masyarakat kita pada masa kini. Bagaikan barah yang merebak setiap hari, ianya sama seperti kes pembuangan bayi ini. Sekiranya, ia tidak dibendung dari akar umbi, nescaya gejala ini akan menyebabkan berlakunya gejala-gejala lain timbul dan merosakkan lagi akidah umat manusia.

Hukuman-hukuman berat perlu dilaksanakan dan dalam masa yang sama masyarakat perlu diberi pendedahan dan didikan dari awal bagi mengatasi fenomena ini dari terus berterusan. Disini disenaraikan beberapa hukuman berat yang wajar dilaksanakan:

1. Hukuman sebat di khalayak ramai
2. Rejam sampai mati (bagi yang sudah berkahwin)
3. Pesalah dicop dengan besi panas di dahi tanda beliau pernah melakukan zina
4. Perlu memohon maaf dikhalayak ramai (melalui media massa)
5. Hukuman penjara 20 tahun dan dalam masa yang sama kompaun RM100 000
6. Renjatan elektrik di khalayak ramai

Dalam masa yang sama, pendedahan dan didikan awal juga dipraktikkan bagi mencegah amalan ini. Antaranya:

1. Melaksanakan hukuman-hukuman berlandaskan hukuman Islam (hudud)
2. Menghapuskan semua pusat-pusat pelacuran dan hiburan
3. Penzinaan diselesaikan dengan cara Islam
4. Hukuman yang dilaksanakan perlu lebih telus
5. Kempen akidah yang wajib disertai oleh semua remaja lepasan PMR selama 3 bulan
6. Ibu bapa diwajibkan menghadiri kursus didikan dan bimbingan anak-anak
7. Masyarakat perlu dididik cara untuk berhadapan dan mengatasi masalah ini (melalui media massa)
8. Subjek agama Islam dan sivik di sekolah perlu ditekankan, didalami dan dipelajari dengan meluas serta di implikasikan di dalam norma-norma kehidupan.

Kesimpulannya, gejala pembuangan bayi perlu dilihat dari pelbagai aspek. Masyarakat tidak seharusnya menuding jari dan memfokuskan kepada gejala ini semata-mata tetapi haruslah menyelidik dan mengenal pasti punca berlakunya gejala ini. Oleh itu, hukuman berat dan didikan haruslah bergerak seiring seperti irama dan lagu yang tidak boleh dipisahkan.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Secret Revealed...

I hate the way you talk to me

and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car;

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots

And the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick.

It even makes me rhyme.

I hate it -- I hate the way you're always right;

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh;

Even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you're not around

And the fact that you didn't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you --

Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

LOVE, is defined as a very strong feeling of affection. It makes you smile & cry, happy & gloomy, energetic and even lunatic. You can’t describe the feelings or even understand what it’s really are until you feel it, face it and heartbroken with it. I can’t talk about anyone of you, it may have some mislead of information. I can’t talk about them, it has too many characters to talk about it, and, it’s all about YOU, who have the courage to know about me, to sacrifice for me, to fight over me and to be with me as who I am and what am I to you.

Yes it’s YOU! Why YOU? And the story goes…..

It started in the year of 2007, YOU chose me to be your travel agent for your badminton team. The destination was, Taman Negara, Pahang. A day before the trip, it was a Valentine’s Night (14th February 2007), you asked me out for the first time. Although it was not the 2 of us (we went out together with your friend), but this is the time where we got to know each other better.
We went out again, the next day, and this time, it was only YOU and me.

16th February 2007, it was the trip, which I was supposed to be the tour guide but I didn’t go since that was my last day of work before I join to another organization.
The weird thing was, I am started to miss YOU. YOU called me at 2am in the morning and we were on the phone for 2 hours. It was for 3 days and 2 night’s trip and YOU missed my birthday on 18th February. The best part was, YOU were the first person to wish me and once YOU are back in town from the trip, YOU were so eager to meet up with me.
Blue Levi’s jean was the first present from YOU on my birthday.

From travel agency, I’ve moved on to logistics field. I thought it was the end of our story but I was wrong. It makes us closer to each other as YOU are in the same field too.

The relationship goes stronger when each and every day, early in the morning, there will be a sweet sms greeting from YOU. And each and every day, late at night, there will be a goodnight wish from YOU. We went out almost every day and I never felt bored or tired every time I am with you.

People said there are ups and downs in a relationship. Yes it is! After 2 years of fertilized loved, I’ve realized I can’t be with YOU although I am deeply in love with YOU. The voices and the insistence from family, friends and even enemy make us apart from each other.
I was then decided to leave YOU as I can’t handle the pressure.

Am I happy? NO! Yes, It was my decision but it’s really make my heart broken into pieces. I was vulnerable, hopelessness and emptiness without YOU.

What YOU are to me?
YOU put a smile on my face by giving me flowers and card in front of my door when I went home from work. YOU embrace my soul with your surprised kiss at the traffic light when we went separate ways to work after having lunch together. YOU hug and talk to me softly when we are in the middle of the fight. YOU never give up on me and our relationship in making it happens. YOU believed that we are meant to be together and there’s no such thing as “Love is not necessarily end up of being together”. YOU put me first on a row in your daily life, routine and your priority. YOU hold my hand in whatever situations are (good and bad). YOU feed me food with your own hand and said that it is a symbol of your love. YOU never complains on how sweet the drink I’ve made for your breakfast, the improper shirt that I washed and iron, when I was asleep and YOU are still awake, when I forgot to wash your socks and YOU don’t have socks to go to work and the list went on and on.

What am I to YOU?
YOU said, I am your angel. YOU said I am your princess. YOU said, without me, your world is incomplete. YOU said YOU never feel so in love before I’ve came into your life. YOU sacrifice for me by leaving behind people around YOU. YOU fight over me and stand up for me. YOU said whatever it takes, you’ll make it through and you’ll make it happen. True enough, YOU take me as part of your life and give me the status as your wife.
And today, 6th April 2010, YOU, my beloved husband, confessed that I am the 1 and only person that YOU love the most.

YOU are Zolkifli Saffar, my beloved husband, the one who knows me better than anyone else and who promised to never let me down and love me for the rest of your life. The rings were exchanged and it was written “I am yours” and “Finally, you are mine” will be the vows of two hearts become one. Till death do us apart, Insha’Allah.

"Nobody thinks it will work, do they? You just described every great success story.-Say Anything, Lloyd Dobler and Diane Court"