Friday, December 28, 2012


Promises are things you said that cannot and should not been broken. If you think you can't keep it, you shouldn't make them at the beginning. You wouldn't know how heart broken it is...but that is the rules.

You made the choices, you choose the path so you'll have to feel the pain. You are not importante any more to the person when it is tied up with legal certificate (if you have one but if you don't, then you'll be suffering for your future generation; as if like a decade of burden). It is better to be courting together because you'll be the apple of the eye.

Why now? Why it has to keep until there's a next generation? Are you happy with this revenge? Is this a sweet revenge for you? Congratulations because it's succeed. The mother's blood, sweat & tears will only be to her "sunshine". Too much of desolado.....

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